Kimcheese Please!


I’ve been needing some new dishes in my life so I came up with the Kimcheese Tofu Burger. Filled with caramelized kimchi goodness, melted cheddar cheese, miso mayonnaise, and my kick-ass korean chili ketchup. Kommt vorbei und einfach...

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Kimchi-Roulade on ARD BUFFET!

Kimchi-Kohlroulade! We made a new kimchi dish for Norbert and ARD-Buffet. VIVA LA KIMCHI!  ‪#‎kimchi‬ ‪#‎berlin‬ ‪#‎kohlroulade‬

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Kimchispätzle with Stil in Berlin

I had the lovely Mary Scherpe from Stil in Berlin over for lunch last week.  You can read all about it HERE.

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Kitchen hijack from the Kitchen Guerilla

This week I had a blast in the kitchen filming a segment for ZDFinfo with Olaf and Koral from Kitchen Guerilla and giving them a taste of some of my kimchi specialties like Kimchikäsespätzle and Rotkohl-kimchi.  It’s a true cultural mash-up...

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