day 1: old balls and gizzards on a stick

the adventure started when i arrived into the seoul-inchon airport yesterday morning  still groggy from my cleaning, packing marathon that afforded me only 1.5 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours and kimchi on the breath. (they actually serve you...

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Day 2: “you’re lucky, Korean girls have the firmest breasts.”

Good morning! My second day in Korea and Julian is eloquently expounding on the differences between the cleavage he has known and loved before I’ve even had a chance to shake the sleep from my eyes.  Uhhh…must we have boobs before breakfast? Can...

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Day 3, 4 & 5: A monk and his monkey & Happy Birthday Buddha!

I spent a horrible night riddled with insomnia.  Damn that early evening latte! I knew drinking caffeine so late in the day was a bad idea, but I was pretending to be Korean, where caffeine has no effect on a body already over stimulated from the...

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